Tips from Other People, Part Two.

Writing a book is a lot of things. Fun and hard work. Terrifying and exhilarating. Time-consuming and all-absorbing. So if you are yet to take the plunge, or you are part way through the process, or you’ve just started the next book, don’t forget to make the most of these Stages of Awesomeness. They are…

via Writing a Book: Stages of Awesomeness — Magic Writer


One of my favorite things about the internet, besides #ShakespeareSunday and Grumpy Cat, is how you can discover somebody, even if you’ve never met, even if they live on a WHOLE DIFFERENT CONTINENT, and be like, “Yes. This is one of my people.”

The lovely Elise, writer of the post I’m sharing with you today, happens to be one of those people. And she’s got some really good advice for us all. I won’t ramble on about it here, because I want you guys to read her post, but let me just say that it came at the right time. I’ve been way down deep in the terrified dumps, and it’s so good to be reminded that there are awesome things in store.

Plus there’s a photo of Lego Superman. What’s not to love?

Thanks, Elise!

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