A Raid On The Inarticulate.

This week, I don't have much to say. Recently, I was reading T.S. Eliot's The Four Quartets, and in "East Coker", I discovered a section that has a lot to say about the life and work of writers, so I thought I'd like to share it with you all. I'm not going to make any … Continue reading A Raid On The Inarticulate.

Movie Night: The Most Reluctant Convert.

Max McLean as C.S. Lewis If you're anything like me, you love C.S. Lewis. If you're anything like me, you also think watching a biopic of the man sounds like an unutterably depressing way to spend an evening. Well, that's what I was thinking when I rented The Most Reluctant Convert for my dad's birthday … Continue reading Movie Night: The Most Reluctant Convert.