
It's... the last Tuesday before NaNoWriMo 2019, folks. Image by Stefan Keller from Pixabay I have no plan. Well, I have a vague plan. I'll be working on at least three different projects: My current (woefully over) 90-day novelAnother novel idea that I'm tired of ignoring in favor of the above mentionedAnd various short story … Continue reading Panic.

Pizza Podcast.

Oh, hello. It's Tuesday. I'm down to the wire on pulling together my Young Life banquet decorations, so I'm sitting in front of my computer cutting circles out of neon paper and listening to podcasts. There's a podcast you ought to listen to with me, and it's right here: "Exploring Creativity and Understanding How You … Continue reading Pizza Podcast.

I Want…

Brace yourself, I'm about to get nerdy. "My Shot" from Hamilton is a fabulous example of an "I Want" song. There's a popular trope in musical theater called the "I Want" song. It is sung early in the show by one of the central characters, allowing them to express dissatisfaction with their current state, and … Continue reading I Want…